
You bend them, we mend them

Culm Vale Sidecar Club Forest Glade.

It is only just over an hours run for me now, but most of it was in the rain on Thursday evening. It was a case of dive under the club shelters, lucky for me the doors (did I just mention the doors) were not fitted so I didn’t tip up on my rush for cover. It was only short wait until the rain stopped and I was able to put up the tent in the dry.

There were plenty of the big pot holes to avoid on the way up from the A373 up to the site, (did I mention pot holes) well it transpired someone hit one of these pot holes and his sidecar wheel was now leaning in, somewhat precariously.

The next day and investigation takes place.

Oh, it’s worst than that Jim. Its dead.

Who’s going to sort out this bloke behind with the camera!

One snapped bolt, bent and cracked unit.

Once removed it was then a short ride to Keith and Julia’s house to weld up the suspension unit.

Leaving Lord Greystoke thinking “I do hope they are going to put it back together!!”

After all the hard work it was a walk down to the Drew Arms for a well earned pint. I thought I would check the elevation on google maps . 570 feet down to the pub and then the same 570 feet up, it would be nice if it was the other way around.

Can’t get clearer than that, one thing I know is, I won’t be going to a fancy dress party dressed as a dog! Oh, BTW, don’t go around carrying ya welly’s as that worries the sheep also!!!

Probably, The best play ground sign I have seen for a long time.

Back on site and relaxing.

In the evening and with the weather being so nice the shelters didn’t get used very much, but handy to know they are there if the rain appears. So what are we going to do the next day, yep, lets go for lunch at the pub.



It’s that chap again Lord retired something or other. I do hope someone is going to buy me a pint.

“Ooo I might get my tippy toes wet”…. “Come on ya big softy, it’s only water”

Saturday evening.

The highlight of the weekend, the raffle. No BBQ this year, but there will be a basic BBQ (burger and banger burnt) at the next camping weekend at Watchet later on in the year. TTFN Skip