by Roy

The Sleaford Classic car and Bike show took place again this year, but in a slightly different format.  Normally the people visiting the show can purchase a programme and vote for their choice of vehicle in each class, because of Covid there was no public voting, this was done by the show committee members only, well it is better to stay as safe as possible.

The show was well organised as usual, well done to the team.  Loads of cars and bikes turned up.  Amongst the bikes were a 1948 Sunbeam this was a new model in its day, a little bit older but road legal was a 1923 BSA engine size stated at 2 and 3/4 HP.  One owner had a Lambretta and a BSA Super Road Rocket on display, interestingly on their display boards he said that he had declined an offer of £10,000 for the scooter and £15,000 for the motorcycle.

There were no outfits on display this year; I know these riders I hope that they are alright.  However, there were five three – wheeled cars, two were the newish Morgans, I spotted that one had a flat profile front tyres a bit like the Avon Speedmaster rear tyre, the other Morgan had a more rounded profile.  I had an interesting chat with the owner with the more rounded tyre, his car can corner better and faster than the other one, however his front tyres only last 5,000 miles, the flatter tyres are harder and last 15,000 miles.  The other three wheelers were a Bond Bug a Del Boy van and a Berkley sports car.

Loads of the Lincoln Scooter club turned up I have ridden with these guys this put more two wheelers on display.  There were several food outlets, the ice cream van and the burger vans did alright.

Normally a band or group are playing but maybe Covid stopped that, even the man with his van and speakers did not make an appearance this time, still all will return hopefully next year.

Plenty of spectators turned up to see the show which is nice for the organisers, they do a good job every year, well done.