Reports and pictures from Micheal, Phil, and Martyn

Friday 21st Feb. THE MASTER PLAN early start at 07.00pm and then ride to North Wales and put up my TENT before it RAINS AGAIN! Rain came early so things are not going to plan again! So, let’s have birthday party for Pensioner Paul.

James Watt 1769. › watch

A very happy birthday Paul.

The “Pooh Stick Team” on the way to the pub.

The Mini Adventures of Winnie the Pooh – ‘Pooh’s Game … › watch

Saturday morning after yet another BATTERING STORM!

The RHINO RALLY is now in its 31st year and it’s been organised by the BMW Club and my last visit was quite a while ago when Steve & Jennifer of South Australia paid the Rhino Rally a visit.

The French Connection.

Rassemblement | Moto Blub BMW MOA FC French Connection

Polly, Put the Kettle On – THE BEST Educational Songs for … › watch

My very first time at stopping a train in its TRACKS!

By gum it STOPPING! 

W.H.R. steaming down the MAIN ROAD at Porthmadog 

Very SPECIAL VIPs travelling incognito !

Seems Martyn is SEEKING out the PURPLE MOOSE?

The Australia, Porthmadog. – Home | Facebook › places › porthmadog › british restaurant

Porthmadog | Visit Snowdonia

The harbour at ebb tide.

S.A.R. stands for South African Railways and the last train leaves at 14.15pm.

But was BORN in Belgium.

The PULLMAN looks very cosy!

On returning to the Rhino Rally after our train excursion only the 

“All Weatherproof Sidecar Team” are left on the site to the  vile elements, and with all other rally-ists have gone A.O.W. (absence without leave!)

So only Mark/Martyn/Michael are left holding the fort!

Seems we have been left to become the

The Chosen Men | Sharpe – YouTube › watch

Sunday am and now riding for England.

    Bye for now from Micheal in the Welsh Highlands.

I followed the train to Bedgellert.

The Flying Banana with the two early bird tents.

Early Saturday morning and attendees where throwing in the towel (a wet one) and packing up to head home after a real wet and winding storm Dennis.

I hope the train has brakes?

Lots of water on the flat going into Porthmadog.

Micheal is on “Seaweed Gin” and I am sampling the various Purple Moose brews.

Logs at the ready in The Australia.

This lot is heading for the River Seven.

I thought height was best!

Should have realised, you have to come down at some point.

Had a lot of these to go through.

Lucky for me I didn’t have any of these, so it was a case of check the depth and go.

I had a cold left hand when I got home, investigated and the headed grip had burnt out.

I thought after boating my way out of Wales I would treat the Flying Banana to a new air filter and plugs.

Cool hand Martyn

Now I know why my heated grip packed up.