With the sun shining and just about to set off to Watchet on Wednesday afternoon, I received a text from Lesley, as she had gone on the solo in the morning, to tell me that it was raining quite heavily at Watchet. Really, that wasn’t forecast, anyhow, I set off and it was sunshine and dry all the way to Blue Anchor which was strange as I was travelling into a head wind and expected to hit the rain earlier. Good job, because the A39 is a pain now, all ya need is one donkey driver travelling at 30 / 35mph and you are stuck in a queue nearly all the way, as most of the A39 has double white lines so overtaking is a thing of the past.

Peter all set up.

We put the tent up but at least the rain had eased to a drizzle. By the time we had got everything sorted it was early evening, so into the barn, armed with drinks and food, the night was spent in the barn socializing with the early attendees.

Thursday morning and a case of have breakfast and see who turns up. The Levenes arrived quite early, then a steady stream. We did do a very short wine-O’clock before setting of to Watchet for our evening meal.

After checking out the pubs, we settled for fish and chips and ate them in the Esplanade Club https://esplanadeclub.net/ , like Pebbles Tavern https://www.facebook.com/pebblestavern/?locale=en_GB  , you can take in or order food from any of the local food shops and have it delivered and eat in the bar as long as you drink in the establishment.

Friday was walk to Blue Anchor along the beach, there are a few rocky parts to cross and the odd bit of mud that you have to keep an eye out for which can be avoided provided you walk a little closer to the cliffs. Lunch was in the Smugglers Inn, https://www.thesmugglersinn.co.uk/ first time I had been in there. Good pub, nice food and the beer was spot on, definitely will visit again.

We got back and this time, the wine-O’clock would last until bed time, Pensioner Paul (aka Lord Greystoke) had brought his lightweight fire pit, so we had that going all evening eating cheese and crackers, along with master chef Dave and his large Ridge Monkey cooking frittatas, samosas etc plus we had some crumpets cooked using the embers of the fire in the late evening.

He isn’t a Lord for nothing, as you can see, his butler had prepared his table for the BBQ

A very interesting outfit, VTX1800 with Squire which as been fitted with a spoiler to stop it from lifting! Also pulling a camping trailer. This all transforms into a frame tent, just shows what you can do with a sidecar attached.

Saturday and off into Watchet along the beach for a spot of lunch, there is s bit of a theme going on for the weekend, namely food. We made purchases from Sams Deli https://www.facebook.com/samsdeliwatchet/?locale=en_GB can whole heartedly recommend, the food is top class, so what better than to enjoy in the Pebbles Tavern voted Somersets best pub 10 years running by CAMRA  https://www.somersetcountygazette.co.uk/news/24284034.watchets-pebbles-tavern-named-somersets-best-10th-year/ .

Mid afternoon I was back onsite, to help out with the BBQ, well, cider dispensing. You can’t keep a good man down, with Tony turning up to help flip a few. Once again the BBQ went very well and along with a free cider to wash the food down you can’t go wrong.

After the thank yous it was time for the never-ending raffle, which funny enough ended a lot quicker than the one at the Federation of Sidecar Clubs annual rally, in fact that one could be still going on.


Just about most of the attendees spent the evening in the barn socializing; it rounded off the weekend nicely, just a shame we had to pack up and go home in the morning.